How to deal with the urgency when filming an event?

Combined Shape

YANASPOT answers to an American company request.

The Mondial du Fromage is an event held every two years that brings together cheese producers from all over the world to showcase their creations to professionals and the general public. In 2023, more than 1,000 cheeses were entered in the competition, and it goes without saying that French cheese was the winner…

But it wasn’t by tasting that YANASPOT contributed to our customer’s success…


Can you figure out the situation?

We were three days away from a shoot when one of our clients contacted us urgently. The problem? The team is in trouble, they’re short two sound engineers.


Stressing out?

Don’t panic! That’s where the expertise and responsiveness of an agency like YANASPOT come into play. One phone call, two emails and the problem is solved. Two qualified sound engineers are on hand to take care of the job.


YANASPOT’s responsiveness and professionalism.

Thats’ the power of the 1 day package offer coupled with YANASPOT’s responsiveness

More than just a back-up solution, the 1 day package is a real asset for:


Building customer loyalty nby guaranteeing a flawless service, even in the most urgent situations.


Save time and stress by avoiding last-minute searches for service providers.


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