Filming in historic locations

Heritage sites or places steeped in history provide beautiful images that evoke a sense of wonder due to the magnitude or richness of the site. However, capturing stunning images depends on various factors.

  • Season

Choosing to film during winter can reveal certain aspects of a site. In a monochromatic snowy landscape, a castle can stand out as a timeless element that radiates in nature. Spring or summer filming can showcase the environment. In general, it is always more appealing to project an imaginary setting in a place where life is pleasant!

  • Point of view or angle

It allows the subject to be the focus of attention. Different focal lengths can be used to separate the subject from the background, and the use of drone images can emphasise the impressive appearance of the site in its environment.

  • Movement

Staging a historic site often involves moving through old stones, ruins, or an environment frozen in time. Creating slow and fluid movements generates an action that transports the viewer and helps them immerse themselves in the site. The idea is to create dynamics through effects, especially movement, to engage the viewer in the desired storytelling.

Enhancing one’s image using heritage footage is possible, but it often involves costs or restrictions. In France, the use of a public site classified as a national monument is regulated by an authority that manages and markets its image. Therefore, it is necessary to obtain filming authorization to shoot on-site and also acquire rights authorization to exploit its image.